Adding hover states to Cargo Thumbnail Indexes using CSS


One of the most common requests I get from students in my Portfolio & Career Prep lab at ArtCenter is how to add hover states to Thumbnail Indexes in Cargo.

Designers want to be able to display the project title and sometimes the tags over the thumbnail image and / or replace the thumbnail with an animated GIF.

Let’s walk through how to do this with some simple CSS!

If you’re more of a visual person, check out the walkthrough on YouTube below below and grab the final code from GitHub.

Setting Up the Cargo Site

I started fresh and created a brand new Cargo 3 website using the C973 template and added some images from Unsplash as the project thumbnails. Then I checked the “Show Title” option on the Thumbnail Index.

Show Title checkbox

In Cargo there are two different places you can add your own CSS. You can either use the sitewide CSS editor, which will apply your styles across the entire website, or you can use the page-specific CSS editor, which will only target the current page.

I’ll be working in the page-specific CSS editor but most of the code can be reused if you want to apply the CSS site wide.

Cargo CSS panel

The [id="1234"] number will be specific to your site. You’ll need to prepend all your CSS declarations with this (but only to keep the code scoped to your homepage thumbnail index). Watch the screenshare to see this in context. I’ll be leaving off the prefix for the rest of the article.

Applying The CSS

Targeting the Thumbnail Elements

First I need to identify the specific CSS classes and elements that make up the thumbnail index layout. By inspecting the page source in the browser’s developer tools, I can see that each thumbnail is wrapped in an element with the class thumbnail and linked. This will be the primary selector in my CSS code.

I’ll start by adding some basic positioning and overflow styles to the container:

.thumbnail.linked {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

Setting position: relative on the thumbnail container will allow me to position child elements absolutely within it. And overflow: hidden will ensure any content that extends beyond the thumbnail dimensions is hidden

If CSS positioning is new to you, I actually recommend checking out Webflow’s video on the topic. Even though the video is specific to Webflow, they do a great job explaining general principles and it’s easy to apply to code.

Styling the Project Title

Next, I’ll target the figcaption element that contains the project title. I want to position this element absolutely within the thumbnail container and position it on top of the thumbnail image.

.thumbnail.linked figcaption {
	position: absolute;
	inset: 0;
	display: flex;
	align-items: flex-end;
	justify-content: space-between;
	color: white;
	padding: 2rem;
	margin-top: 0;
	margin-bottom: 0;
	background: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
	border-radius: 1.5rem;

Here’s what each of these styles is doing:

  • position: absolute positions the figcaption element absolutely within the thumbnail container.
  • inset: 0 sets the top, right, bottom, and left offsets to 0, causing the figcaption to fill the entire thumbnail.
  • display: flex and the align-items and justify-content properties position the title and tags vertically and horizontally within the figcaption (see CSS-Tricks for more on Flexbox).
  • color: white sets the text color of the title and tags to white for visibility.
  • padding: 2rem adds some spacing around the text.
  • margin-top: 0 and margin-bottom: 0 remove any default margin on the figcaption.
  • background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) adds a semi-transparent black background behind the text.
  • border-radius: 1.5rem rounds the corners to match the image

Initial layout CSS so far in place

With these styles in place, the project title and tags are now displayed over the thumbnail image. However, they are visible at all times, which may not be the desired effect. Let’s add a hover state to make them only appear on hover.

Adding the Hover State

To make the project title and tags only appear on hover, I’ll set the initial opacity of the figcaption to 0, and then change it to 1 on hover:

.thumbnail.linked figcaption {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 400ms linear;

.thumbnail.linked:hover figcaption {
  opacity: 1;

The transition property here adds a smooth 400 millisecond fade animation when the opacity changes. Now, when the user hovers over a thumbnail, the project title and tags will fade in with a nice transition effect.

Replacing the Thumbnail with a Video on Hover

If you want to replace the thumbnail image with an animated GIF video on hover. This can be achieved by targeting the specific thumbnail elements linked to each page and setting a background image for each one.

.thumbnail.linked[href="page-1"] figcaption {
  background-image: url('');
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

.thumbnail.linked[href="page-2"] figcaption {
  background-image: url('');
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

I’m using the href attribute of the thumbnail link to target specific pages. I’ve set the background-image property to the URL of an animated GIF for each page. The background-size: cover and background-repeat: no-repeat styles ensure the GIF fills the entire thumbnail and doesn’t repeat.

Now, when the user hovers over a thumbnail, the project title will fade in and the thumbnail image will be replaced by the animated GIF or video.


Grab the final code from GitHub and give this a try on your site. You might want to add some media queries so this only effects certain screen sizes.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on YouTube, GitHub, LinkedIn or Bluesky. Happy coding!

ArtCenter Graduation Spring 2022

I’ve been teaching at my alma matter ArtCenter over Zoom since the middle of the pandemic. What started as one class grew into two classes and two labs this past term.

This weekend I made a 36-hour trip out to Los Angeles to congratulate the students in person and meet my nephew who was born two weeks ago.

Graduation banners

Graduation crowd

Congratulation to Chenxi Lu, Chang Gao, Tong Li, Hamza Salar + all the rest of the graduating class on all your accomplishments.

Design work by Chango Gao

Design work by Chenxi Lu

Design work by Hamza Salar

I also snuck in a quick bit of sightseeing too!

Me with Griffith Observatory in the background

Focus Academy Conclusion

The final two weeks of the Focus Course Academy have concluded and I’m really glad that I started off the year by participating in it.

I’ve defined a set of lifestyle practices that I’ll be working to put in place over the next year. The goal of those is to build up some margin in all areas of my life both so I can navigate challenges better as they come as well as be available to jump at opportunities when they present themselves.

My Lifestyle Practices

After a great week 1, for week 2 of the Focus Course Academy we went through a series of excercises that led to the creation of a list of lifestyle practices we will adopt over the next 12 months. These will our first steps towards long-term goals that we also tangibly defined. Here are mine:

  1. Strength train with push ups (3x a week)
  2. Be showered before 7am (daily)
  3. Write down tomorrow’s most important task (5x a week)
  4. Keep screen time average below 2 hours (weekly)
  5. Keep headphone audio exposure below 20% (weekly)
  6. Read a devotion (daily)

This week was challenging but rewarding – putting down on paper how I want numerous key areas of my life to look 1/5/20 years from now was a really worthwhile excercise that forced me to answer some hard questions.

My Life Vision

I’ve been participating in the beta of the virtual Focus Course Academy. The on-demand course had been sitting 10% done on my dashboard for months and the accountability of this cohort has been exactly what I needed to finish the course. I found going through their Plan Your Year workbook in 2019 immensively helpful in contibuting to my success that year.

I’m going to try and post a quick blog at the end of each week of that week’s final homework item for posterity’s sake.

For week 1, we put together our life’s vision after going through a bunch of excercises. Here’s mine:

In my roles as a husband, father, business owner, teacher, and citizen, I want to express, impart and exemplify the values of being adventurous and full of integrity. I will do this by decisively planning experiences that make memories with my family, endlessly learning so I can share new places to see and problems to solve with my children and students, always advocating for the long-term interests of my family, customers, and neighbors, and ruthlessly guarding my time and attention so that I do the things I say I will.

→ Vue.js Documentary

I finally watched the Vue.JS documentary this weekend. I’ve been using Vue since early 2018 but never knew much about its origin story.

It’s an inspiring story about the growth of a truly independent open source project and is definitely worth the 30 minutes if you’re a Vue developer.

AWS Suspends Parler

I read AWS’ letter to Parler that BuzzFeed published this weekend, AWS’ requests seem extremely reasonable. I’ve dealt with the Trust & Safety team on a few occasions, and at least in my experience, they enforce their rules pretty strictly.

Rather than this being a case of Big Tech’s bias against conservatives, available info makes it seem far more likely Parler got away with a lot that a regular company wouldn’t because someone on the Amazon retail side didn’t want the headlines. The events of last week tipped the scales.

Parler was running a large social network on a relational database at least as recently as this summer, it’s clearly amateur hour over there. Initial reports of a hack right before the service went offline last night seem to indicate not much has improved.

Obviously, I’m speculating here, but so is most everyone else.

If Republicans were serious about fixing the larger issue they are decrying today, they’d start by reversing their previous stance and put a Net Neutrality bill on Biden‘s desk in his first 100 days

Geography Can Shape Opporunity

Having spent the last half-decade of my life in New York City, rural Pennslyvania (Danville), and now a small Midwestern city (Fort Wayne); I’ve been fortunate to experince nearly the full gamut of American life (at least at this latitude).

Today, I finally read the transcript of Joe Biden’s speech almost a year ago at Northwestern University. I think he understands the regional divide in America better than anyone with his platform.

So many people take a negative view towards the half of the populace that doesn’t live near them, not taking the time to understand how their life experiences led them to where they are. I deeply appreciate Biden’s optimism and share it in addition to the fact that he’s contributing specifc, actionable ideas as solutions.

I’m proud to be working in tech in middle America instead of in the VC hubs. I like knowing I’m contributing to the solution instead of furthering the problem.